MARC Magician 2011
Back in 2000, Mitinet launched the first version of MARC Magician as a record management software tool for Windows 98. This software was known for its powerful Global Editing, Templates, Lists, and many other features designed to dig deeply into your MARC record database.
Please note that beginning on December 31, 2018, technical support for MARC Magician will no longer be provided. Your product will continue to work until your access key expires, but we will no longer be providing technical support for all aspects of MARC Magician, including but not limited to installations, migrations, errors, printing, importing, or exporting records into your automation system.
See our MARC Magician sunsetting announcement for more information.
Download and Installation
Installation instructions differ depending on whether or not there are existing records in your database. Please choose the option that applies to you.
Option 1: New Installation
Use this option if you don’t currently have MARC Magician installed on your computer. Use the button below to download MARC Magician and follow the installation instructions.
Option 2: Update Without Records in the Program
If there are no records in the existing installation of MARC Magician, use the button below to download MARC Magician and follow the installation instructions.
Option 3: Update With Records in the Program
To complete this update, you must first remove all records from MARC Magician by following the instructions below. Once the program is installed, bring the previously exported records back in using the Import Records command in MARC Magician.
Please note: Perform these steps using the Master List. Removing records from the Master List also removes them from custom lists.
- Under SELECT choose All Records.
- Under FILE choose Export Records.
- Name the file, choose the location to save it and then click on Export.
- Under RECORD choose Delete from All Lists.
- Under LIST choose Empty Weeding Truck.
- Close MARC Magician.
- Now you can download MARC Magician Professional 2011 Rev. A, using the button below.
ALL OPTIONS: Downloading & Installing MARC Magician Professional 2011, Rev. A
Most browsers automatically download files to a default location on your computer. Here are the default locations based on your operating system version:
- Windows 7/8: C:\Users\<username>\Downloads
- Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Downloads
Some older versions of Internet Explorer ask where you want to download the file. Please note the saved location of your file. You will need it for the next step.
Go to the saved MARC Magician file and unzip it in Windows by right-clicking and choose “Extract All…” or using your preferred unzipping software. Once unzipped, double-click either MARCMagician2011Install-RevA or MARCMagician2011Install-RevA.exe.
When the MARC Magician Professional 2011 – InstallShield Wizard window appears, follow the instructions to complete the installation.