If you are unsure about these instructions, check the Spectrum documentation for assistance.
Spectrum has different procedures for adding new records and updating existing records. If these are existing records that are already in your LAS and you want to update them, follow the Update Existing instructions.
Import Instructions
- Start Winnebago Spectrum
- Click the Materials button and then click Import.
The Material Import window appears. - Under Options, click the Change button.
The Material Import Options window appears. - Check Build key words
- Uncheck Replace database MARC records with incoming MARC records.
- Select Match MARC records using the following criteria
- Check Match on ISBN
- Check Match on Title and Author
- Click on the Holdings tab
- Check Add Holdings
- Check Import user-defined data from 961 tags (when present)
- Under Location code, select 852 ‘a’ contains location codes. Leave data in 852 ‘a’.
- Click OK to return to the Material Import window.
- Under Files to import, click Add
The Open window appears. - Browse your computer for the file of updated records you’d like to import, select it, and click the Open button.
- The program scans the file for diacritical marks. If any are present, a Diacritics window appears. Choose the code page that displays the most correct-looking sample data, and then click OK.
- Click Import.
- If an import log file already exists, a message will appear, asking if you want to append or overwrite it. Click Append.
- The progress of the import is tracked on the bottom of the Material Import window. When the import is complete, an export summary appears telling you how many records were imported.
Click OK to close this window.