We currently don’t have specific instructions for your automation system, so this document can only give general information about importing. See the documentation that came with your library automation system for detailed instructions.
Library systems have different procedures for adding new records and updating existing records. If these are brand new records that are not already in your automation system, follow the Import New instructions.
Backup database
If your system is backed up regularly, you should not need to do an extra backup, but you need to make sure that you have access to the backup in case you need to start over.
Contact your IT department about how your system is backed up. If your system is not backed up regularly, see your automation system’s documentation about the backup procedure.
Update Notes
- Choose the Import option in your library automation system.
- If there is a choice, choose to import USMARC or MARC21 records.
- If there is a choice to replace the whole record or only parts of the record, be sure to specify that you want to replace the entire record, including copy information.