
Presto! Your MARC records for your new book order can automatically be downloaded!
Mitinet™, is proud to announce DirectMARC™, giving ILS (Integrated Library Software) users even more power and flexibility! ILS users that order from any of our growing list of Mitinet Exclusive Vendors* listed below, now have the option to have their MARC records directly imported into their circulation software.
If your ILS company has Mitinet Integration, when DirectMARC is turned on and authenticated with your ILS account, MARC records will no longer need to be emailed or sent to download into your circulation software. All you have to do is turn ON the DirectMARC feature in your ILS account and follow the on-screen prompts to link DirectMARC with your ILS account!
Ask your ILS company today if Mitinet’s DirectMARC is offered through their circulation software.
*Exclusive Mitinet Vendors Include: