Circulation Renovation Promotion
As a pioneer in digital MARC record management, Mitinet Library Services offers a legacy of expertise and specialization to get the highest value out of your library’s collection.
Now thru December 31, 2022, we are extending our 10% off Circulation Renovation Promotion to a limited number of districts in Georgia. Call our personable sales team at 800-824-6272 ext. 1 and mention “GA22” to get this discount. You can also contact us for live webinars, no-cost demos and complimentary database diagnostics for any size catalog.
Federal ESSER Fund
Through 2024, federal ESSER Funds are available to your Library/Media Services department to provide support for technology or learning loss initiatives. Contact us to learn more.
Our best-in-class online MARC Management system makes processing and maintaining MARC records fast, easy and convenient to save you time. With updated, accurate records you’ll extend the value of your library’s collection and improve circulation.
Call us today to get your free database diagnostic, which will show you the true condition of your library’s data. 800-824-6272